Thursday, 31 March 2011

Day of remembrance of the Malvinas War veterans and the fallen in war

April 2nd
On the morning of April 2nd, 1982, Argentinian troops retook their sovereign rights over the Malvinas, Georgias, Sandwich and South Atlantic Islands by force. They took the Argentinian Port (Stanley Port), the capital of the archipelago. This way, the so-called “Malvinas War” began. It ended 74 days later, on June 14th at 4 p.m.-when the Argentinian troops finally surrendered.The war resulted in the death of 257 British and 649 Argentinian soldiers. This is an extremely sad part of our history and another sinister act of the last coup in Argentina.
Here is a poem to remember the fallen in war.
I do not know your name

I do not know your name, but I know you died
I do not know from where you came, but I know you died

Your uniform, branch of service, it matters not to me
Whether Volunteer or Conscript, or how it came to be

That politicians' failures, or some power-mad ambition
Brought you too soon to your death, in the name of any nation

You saw, you felt, you knew full well, as friend and foe were taken
By bloody death, that your life too, was forfeit and forsaken
Yet on you went and fought and died, in your close and private hell
For Mate or Pal or Regiment and memories never to tell

It was for each other, through shot and shell, the madness you endured
Side by side, through wound and pain, and comradeship assured
No family ties, or bloodline link, could match that bond of friend
Who shared the horror and kept on going, at last until the end

We cannot know, we were not there, it's beyond our comprehension
To know the toll that battle brings, of resolute intention
To carry on, day by day, for all you loved and hoped for
To live in peace a happy life, away from bloody war

For far too many, no long life ahead, free of struggle and pain and the gun
And we must remember the price that was paid, by each and every one
Regardless of views, opinions aside, no matter how each of us sees it
They were there and I cannot forget, even though I did not live it

I do not know your name, but I know you died
I do not know from where you came, but I know you died.
Kenny Martin
1982 Malvinas War Fallen Memorial
Built in 1990 in honor to those who died for Argentina

Rain, rain go away...

Here is the song we have learned for rainy days. It's a bit different, but nice all the same! Enjoy!
Aquí está la canción que aprendimos para los días de lluvia. Es algo diferente, pero linda de todos modos. ¡Que la disfruten!

And here there is another version!
¡Y acá otra versión más!

7th Form - English class agreement

This is the agreemente we have written for our English class. I'm sure if we follow it we will learn a lot and have fun at the same time. Let's try!

Este es el acuerdo que escribimos para nuestras clases. Estoy segura de que si lo respetamos vamos a aprender mucho y divertirnos al mismo tiempo. ¡Intentémoslo!

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Lemon Tree Song

Here is the video of  the song we sang today in 7th form A: "Lemon Tree" by Fool's Garden. You can sing along by reading the lyrics. Enjoy!

Here, another version of the same song

And to finish, an animation of the song. Take a look:

Monday, 28 March 2011

Autumn is here!

Here is some vocabulary you will need to play NUT HUNT. Good luck!

Aquí te dejamos el vocabulario que necesitás para jugar al "NUT HUNT". ¡Buena suerte!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Follow us on facebook!

Now we have a facebook community. You can watch videos, see photos about our work at school, leave comments, ask questions and share your feelings, but everything has to be in English. Come on! You can do it! Click on the photo and join us on facebook!

Ahora tenemos una comunidad en facebook. Podés mirar videos, ver fotos de nuestro trabajo en clase, hacer preguntas y compartir cómo te sentís, pero todo tiene que ser en inglés. ¡Animáte! ¡Vos podés! ¡Hacé click en la imagen y unite a nuestro facebook!

My favourite animal

5th form has been working with animals. They have learned to talk about their abilities and physical appearance. Here are 5th form's favourite animals. Leave a comment on the pictures!(English, please).

5to grado estuvo trabajando con el tema "animales". Aprendieron a hablar sobre sus habilidades y características físicas. Aquí están los animales favoritos de 5to grado. ¡Dejá tu comentario! (En inglés, por favor).

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

March 24th - Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice

Today we commemorate the Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice in homage to the 30.000 people who suffered persecutions, imprisonment, torture or were killed during the last coup in Argentina in 1976. If you want to get more information about this, click on the picture.

Hoy se conmemora el día de la Memoria en homenaje a las más de 30.000 personas que sufrieron persecuciones, encarcelamiento, torturas o desapariciones en el último terrorismo de estado en Argentina en 1976. Si querés saber más, hacé click en la foto.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Meatout Day

Yesterday, March 20th, it was Meatout Day-a special day in which vegetarians invite people to become a non-meat eater. They give you information on how to start being a vegetarian and on the benefits of a vegetarian diet on your health, the environment and animal well-being. If you want to know more about this, click on the photo below.

Ayer, 20 de marzo, fue el Día Internacional Sin Carne-el día en que los vegetarianos invitan a la gente a dejar de comer carne. Les dan información sobre cómo empezar a ser vegetarianos y sobre los beneficios de este tipo de alimentación en la salud, el medio ambiente y el bienestar de los animales. Si te interesa y querés saber más, hacé click en la foto.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Centros de Idioma

Do you like English? Do you want to learn more? Would you like to learn a
ent language? You can do it at the CECIE that is nearest your home. If you want more information about when, where and how you can have your English or some other foreign language lessons at a CECIE click on the picture on the right and find out.

¿Te gusta el inglés? ¿Querés aprender más? ¿Te gustaría aprender otro idioma diferente? Lo podés hacer en el CECIE que esté más cerca de tu casa. Si queres saber más sobre cuándo, dónde y cómo podés tomar tus clases de inglés u otro idioma en un CECIE hacé click en la imagen de la derecha y enteráte.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Welcome Autumn!!

It's March 21st and AUTUMN is here! Let's welcome this season having fun with this game. Click on the image and start playing. Remember you can use a dictionary for the words you don't know.

¡Es 21 de marzo y empieza el otoño! Démosle la bienvenida jugando este juego. Hacé click en la imagen y empezá a jugar. Recordá que podés usar el diccionario para las palabras que no sepas.

Picture Dictionary

If you prefer to see the picture of what you are looking up, here are two picture dictionaries you can use. Just type the word and you get the images.

Si preferís ver el dibujo de la palabra que buscás, acá te dejamos el link a dos diccionarios de imágenes. Tipeás la palabra y obtenés el significado con una imagen.

On-line Dictionary

Here is the link to an on-line dictionary. In the Dictionary flap you get the English definitions. The Thesaurus flap gives you synonyms. The Spanish-English one gives you the meaning in Spanish or in English depending on what you type .

Acá te dejamos el link de un diccionario que podes usar on line. En la solapa que dice "Dictionary" encontrás la definición de la palabra en inglés. En la que dice "Thesaurus" encontrás sinónimos de la palabra. La solapa que dice "Spanish-English" te da la definición en castellano o en inglés según el idioma en el que vos escribas.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Goldilocks and the three bears

We had some story telling in class. As we liked the story, we watched it on line. Now you can watch it at home too. Enjoy!

Nos contaron un cuento en clase. Como nos gustó, miramos el cuento en internet. Ahora lo podés ver en tu casa también. ¡Que lo disfrutes!

When we finished the story we worked on vocabulary and had fun at the same time playing this game. Try it out! :)

Cuando terminamos de ver el cuento trabajamos con el vocabulario de la historia y nos divertimos al mismo tiempo. ¡Probálo! :)

Ryan's typical day

Do you remember this game? You can practise at home to be quicker next time we play in class.

¿Te acordás de este juego? Podés practicar en tu casa para ser más rápido la próxima vez que juguemos en clase.


Here is the link to the film we've watched to work on routines. You can see it through to the end now. Don't cheat! Block the Spanish subtitles.

Acá está el link de la película que vimos para trabajar con las rutinas. Ahora podés verla hasta el final. ¡No hagas trampa! Bloqueá los subtítulos en español.

Here are some things you can do while watching the film. Print the activities and try to solve them.

Acá te dejamos un par de actividades para hacer mientras mirás la peli. Imprimilas y tratá de resolverlas.